Navigate your Conservation Career Pathway

The Hawai’i Conservation Alliance & Foundation welcomes you to Conservation Career Compass, a guide for your mālama ʻāina career voyage. On this site, you will find job listings, guidance and advice from established professionals in the field, and more!


Career Spotlights

Get inspiration & advice from Hawai’i’s conservation professionals

Hope Ronco

Hope Ronco

Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research – working collaboratively with NOAA PIFSC Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program

Research/Logistics Technician

Jodi Chew

Jodi Chew

US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region

Pacific Islands Liaison

Miguel Castrence

Miguel Castrence

Resource Mapping Hawai’i

Managing Partner/Remote Sensing Specialist

Career Resources

You’ve got questions? We have answers.

Tips on Applying for a Conservation Job

By Aryuna Radnaeva


Whether you’re just starting out your career or looking to transition to a new position, it’s likely you have had your eye on various job postings and descriptions. In Hawaiʻi, you can find conservation jobs through a range of listings.