Career Resources

Classroom to Career, and the Opportunities to Get You There

This list details the recommended progression of opportunities designed to guide high school students from the classroom to career: moving through awareness, exploration, preparation, and training.

The Work-Based Learning Continuum

Career Awareness → Career Exploration → Career Preparation → Career Training

Freshmen Year (Career Awareness)

☐ Attend at least 1 Career Fair

☐ Conduct at least 2 Informational Interviews OR conduct at least 1 Informational Interview and attend at least 1 Presentation by a professional.
☐ Attend at least 1 Field Trip/Experiential Learning Opportunity
☐ Job Readiness Activities
☐ Resume building and cover letter writing
☐ Complete a at least 1 mock interview

Sophomore Year (Career Awareness, Career Exploration, and Career Preparation)

☐ Attend at least 1 Career Fair
☐ Conduct at least 2 Informational Interviews OR conduct at least 1 Informational Interview and attend at least 1 Presentation by a professional.
☐ Attend at least 1 Field Trip/Experiential Learning Opportunity
☐ Job Readiness Activities
         ☐ Resume building and cover letter writing
         ☐ Complete a at least 1 mock interview

Junior Year (Career Exploration and Career Preparation)

☐ Complete at least 2 Job Shadows/Mini-Internships
☐ Attend at least 1 Field Trip/Experiential Learning Opportunity
☐ Attend at least 1 professional conference (e.g., Hawaii Conservation Conference, Hawaii Agricultural Conference)
☐ Job Readiness Activities
         ☐ Resume building and cover letter writing
         ☐ Complete at least 1 mock interview

Senior Year (Career Preparation and Career Training)

☐ Complete an Internship, Apprenticeship, Certification, or Capstone
☐ Attend at least 1 professional conference (e.g., Hawaii Conservation Conference, Hawaii Agricultural Conference)
☐ Job Readiness Activities
☐ Complete resume and cover letter
☐ Complete formal interview

Work-Based Learning Terminology


Career/Job Fair: Interactive school events where businesses/organizations expose students to a range of employment opportunities and gauge student interest in the business/industry. Students are able to ask questions on different career paths.
Guest Speaker: Interactive sessions with business partners/professionals and subject matter experts that come to the classroom to speak on a topic of interest. Speakers will discuss industry trends, career paths and hold Q&A with students.


Informational Interview: Students interview working professionals to get a better understanding of the work they do and their career path.
Field Trip/Experiential Learning Opportunity: Students visit an employer site to get an overview of the day-to-day operations and a sense of the work environment.

Job Shadow/Mini-Internships: Opportunity for students to observe a specific person/position within an organization. This is short-term to help students get a sense of the type of work they would do in this position.


Job Readiness Activities: Assist students with resume and cover letter writing, mock interviews, career and interest assessments, and other professional skills to help them see and obtain employment, as well as keep their jobs once they are hired.

Mentorship: Students establish a consistent relationship with outside partners who serve as a resource of information regarding industry or business practices or work with students on specific projects.

Student Presentation: Students go into their community to present at conferences or to their fellow peers, community members, or feeder school students about various topics (does not include required classroom project presentations).


Internships: Student training within an organization of interest. May be with or without pay to gain work experience.

Apprenticeships: Specific job training in particular trade by a student conducted by a master within the specific trade.

Certifications: Official training/documentation for a particular field; industry recognized.

Capstone: a long-term, multi-faceted project that demonstrates the culmination of skills and knowledge gained through a student’s academic career.